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Sneak Peek inside The Last River

“What about something for the children?” Caleb added, placing a jar of penny candy in front of the rancher.

“Well, I don’t know,” the man said, eyeing the candy wishfully. “I done run my charges up as far as I can go this month.”

Caleb opened the jar, scooped a cup of the brightly colored candy bits, and wrapped them in paper. “From Sparrow and me. No charge,” he said.

A sparkle lit the rancher’s eyes, although otherwise his face remained expressionless. “The wife and I thank you, Caleb,” he said.

Caleb began placing the rancher’s items into a crate. “How is Mrs. Littleton, Hank?” he said.

“Oh, she’ll be alright, now the heat ain’t so bad. It’s the heat gives her them headaches. I’ll tell her you asked.”

He took the crate and left the store. Caleb heard the board squeak as he walked across the boardwalk, and it reminded him that he was going to work on that after lunch.

Caleb’s stomach growled and he checked his watch. It was nearly one o’clock. Sparrow was late bringing his lunch, and she was never late.

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