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Readers Reviews...

What readers say about Beyond Double Mountain...

Amy in the Philippines: Set in the time of the Texas Rangers, this riveting novel envelopes the reader in the wild west. Loy's detailed imagery carries us to a world of buffalo hunters, outlaws, and a pioneers, for whom bravery and skill with a gun were the prerequisites for survival. The plot follows the unhappy trail of a lone cowboy, bringing together a range of unexpected characters in a story you can’t put down.

Joe in Mississippi: Right away It took me back to the old times of the 1870's. My favorite character in the book was the Indian girl, Sparrow. She had an incredibly hard life. I could not put the book down until I finished it. Very much look forward to seeing what comes next, especially for Sparrow. I highly recommend reading, even if you are not a big book reader like myself.

Stephanie in Georgia: Well-developed plot. Not a book to rush through in a weekend, this story grows more interesting with each chapter. Couldn't put it down when the convergence of characters began in Part 2!

Brenda in Illinois: Loved the book and the authentic details. Ready for the next one.

Sharon in Arkansas: I have only liked a few Western novels. When I read the first few chapters I knew I had to have it. Looking forward to the sequel.

Bill in Mississippi: It was easy to get involved with the individual storylines and pulling for many of the characters. Great detail. Enjoyed reading it and look forward to the sequel.

Marjorie in Mississippi: I just finished reading Beyond Double Mountain. I have got to say I did not want to put it down to do any work. I stayed in suspense. It was a real pleasure to read and I would recommend to everyone. Awesome.

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